949-300- 3022 neil@insurance-oc.com

Have you ever bought anything online? Well, that website was essentially an “exchange”. You go to Amazon.com to buy general merchandise. And you go to Priceline.com to buy plane tickets and hotel rooms. In effect, Amazon and Priceline are “exchanges”.

And you go to the healthcare exchange to buy health insurance.

The exchange in California was set up by the State of California and primarily exists for people that are on Medicaid or people that get a subsidy. If you’re in one of these categories, then you MUST buy in the exchange. However, if you are NOT on Medicaid or are NOT eligible for a subsidy, then you can buy from a licensed agent – which will provide you with more experience, knowledge and service.

Please visit our website at https://insurance-oc.com and check out our YouTube video re: Exchanges at: http://bit.ly/1bgILQv

neil steinman

neil steinman

Neil Steinman is the principal of Orange County Health & Life Insurance in Orange County, CA – and has been serving the needs of California residents for nearly 20 years.